My Million-Mile Mountain

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March 30, 2023

Felicia always did "good." She was polite, kind, and loving - even in all her pain. She took care of me and her mom, she was a "vet" with our "feral" cats, she was kind to strangers, she was hospitable when she could be...

My wife was an excellent example of how a good, kind person ought to behave. She loved everyone, even those who got on our nerves. She had an incredible gift of discernment and would talk to people she knew needed some company. She did all this as an INTROVERT. She didn't let her shyness and timidness prevent her from doing good. She made it a practice to do good as much as possible.

Felicia was a great role model to our nieces, nephews, and cousins. I pray they know just how much she loves the Lord. I pray they know just how much she loves THEM. She was always the shining light in any room she went to. Her light is that of the Lord's, and she wasn't embarrassed to let it shine.

I miss her light. I miss her goodness. I miss her LOVE. I miss my wife terribly. I have some good moments in between my tears. I have some peaceful times in between my heart aching... but I miss my sweet, beautiful, loving, precious, good wife. The comfort of knowing she's fully healed and singing His Praises with #Joy and #Laughter helps. A lot. I still miss her, though...

I love you, Felicia. Always. Forever. #Fiercely