Bright Days
by Ludwig Jacobowski
Ah, our brilliant days
shine like eternal stars,
They glow past as consolation
for future sorrow.
Don’t cry because it’s over!
Smile because they have been!
And if the days get cloudier,
Our stars redeem!
Site Announcement
Hello, all. Thank you for stopping by. Some of you may have noticed I’ve stopped updating this site. Well, it’s really just a pause. I’ve struggled to keep this up only due to the constant emotional rollercoaster it is to do so. However, even though I haven’t updated on here, I do still post, daily, on my Facebook. These posts are made public for all to read. So, until I get this site current, I’ll leave this message here as a reminder to all of you I’m still here, I’m still writing. Just not on this site. If you want to read my FB posts as a way to catch up to what I’m doing here, please feel free to check them out. Here’s a link the the post which will be the next one added to this site. From there, you can scroll up and read all my other posts from over these past few months. Until I get this site back to current, you’re welcome to follow me on FB. I rarely accept friend requests from people I don’t know, but FB allows people to follow anyone else. I think… Anyway, I hope to have this site updated soon. Until then, keep looking up and remember, as the German poet Ludwig Jacobowski penned: “Don’t cry because it’s over! Smile because they have been!” I’m smiling. I pray you are, too.
Love y’all - Chan
This is a blog. It’s a collection of my daily thoughts and prayers as I go through a new life, climbing this million-mile mountain as a recent widower. I pray you find this blog inspirational and it brings you a sense of acknowledgment from Our Father Yahweh while you struggle with your own million-mile journey.
If you want to start from the beginning, click here to read the first entry. Then, you can navigate forward using the navigation arrow at the bottom of the post. Otherwise, simply go to the “Climbing This Mountain” tab at the top of this page to see the newest entries. Thank you for visiting. May God bless you.