My Journey

On February 21st, 2023, I lost my wife of 19 years suddenly and unexpectedly. This tragedy had multiple outcomes I could have chosen. The outcome I chose was to draw closer to Yahweh. So, I did. As a result, I began posting about my daily struggles on Facebook, informing my friends and family on how I was progressing on my journey which I’ve named my “Million-Mile Mountain.”

The purpose of this site is to transpose those daily (often twice) posts into a blog. Then, my story can be shared and viewed by a larger audience. I feel God is leading me, with Yeshua’s hand in mine and The Holy Spirit’s comfort, to share how, even through the most tragic of life events, we can still find His Glory; we can still find His Love.

I pray my blog posts will inspire you to start your own million-mile journey up whatever perilous mountain you face. I pray God uses my words and my thoughts to help you gain a better outlook on your own struggles, no matter how insignificant they may seem to you.

Yahweh wants you to trust in Him. He wants you to let Yeshua (my Messiah) abide in you so that your struggles can be just a little lighter, a little more peaceful. He has helped me, daily, during my climb and I wouldn’t want it any other way. So, please, if you feel Him speaking to you through my words, listen. He loves you and wants to wipe away your tears as He does mine.

Love, Chan