My Million-Mile Mountain

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Matthew 20:28

March 29, 2023

Jesus said He is the "way, the truth, and the life." He said no one can get to the Father except through Him. He also said that He wasn't sent here to be served, as most of the Jews thought their King and Messiah would be like. Instead, recalling what Isaiah prophecied, Yeshua told His disciples that He's a servant. He's someone who will wash your feet instead of having His feet washed.

Jesus has a servant's heart and highly emphasized His followers should have the same. Felicia is one of His followers. And, she truly had a servant's heart. She loved helping other people when she could. She loved working in church when she could. She loved baking cakes for others, making dinner for me and her mom, designing cards for people to use, babysitting cousins, nieces, and nephews... Felicia served every time she could, without question or hesitancy.

My wife truly loves Jesus. She loves her Creator. She loves His Holy Spirit. She served as well as she could, when she could. Sometimes, her pain was so bad that she would be so upset she couldn't do what was asked - which was usually serving someone. Felicia tried. Constantly. But her pain was debilitating and got in the way.

But when she did serve, you could see Yeshua in her. You could feel the Holy Spirit around her. You knew she was doing the Lord's Work and did it selflessly. She always worked "as if unto the Lord." My angel was a true servant for Christ. I love her all the more for that very reason...

Now she's praising His Name in His FULL Presence, basking in His #Love and #Glory, fully Healed and singing to Him. My wife is no longer in pain. She no longer suffers. Her serving days are over, so now she can just be free from pain and #Worship Our Father without any tears. This is my comfort.

I love you, Felicia. I love your servant's heart. I love your smile, your touch, your kiss. I miss you, my beautiful wife. Always. Forever. #Fiercely