My Million-Mile Mountain

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The Little Things

March 1, 2023

I just went grocery shopping for bare essentials for the first time... who knew such a trivial task would be so emotional? Everywhere I looked, there she was, asking me to buy that treat or this cake mix.

I sorely miss her right now and I'm sure I seem a little off while I'm in the car in the parking lot typing this. But, this is a part of my therapy - letting y'all know what's going through my mind. I know I'll have many more days like this, but with Yeshua walking with me or even carrying me, I'll make it through. I know I will.

I miss your sweet, beautiful smile and your soft, warm embrace, my angel. But, you're in a place we all long for, worshiping and praising His Holy Name while we continue to muck through this vile place, downtrodden with despair. My Light is found in My Lord. I am surrendered to Him and know I can continue this million-mile climb.

I love you, Felicia. Truly. Madly. Deeply. Always. Forever. #Fiercely