My Million-Mile Mountain

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My Anthem

February 26, 2023

My sister-in-law, Lynn, introduced me to this song. Venture Church’s Lauren performed along with the official music video during Felicia’s Celebration.

I have made this my anthem during this season in my life. God has been overabundantly available to me and with me during this time. And, this song is a good reminder on His Power and how He can take any horrible, tragic event and turn it into something beautiful if you let Him. That’s what He’s been doing for me and I pray my posts have been inspiring you to start your million-mile journey up your own terrible mountain.

If you let Him, Yeshua the Messiah will GLADLY help you up your mountain. He WANTS to help you up your mountain. Let Him. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 This is Felicia’s favorite verse. Make it a favorite one of yours, too.