My Million-Mile Mountain

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A New Path

February 26, 2023

This is a part of my new path forward. I don't quite know what I'm supposed to do, yet, but I feel God wants me to use this tragedy for Him. I'm feeling led to do something to share His Love, Grace, and Mercy.

Thank you, all, for your outpouring of love and kind words. I have felt your prayers these past days. It's all still a blur and I'm still numb, but I know I can lean on My Father and keep my eyes fixed on Jesus to get me through this.

Please continue praying for me and Felicia's mom, brother, sister, and her whole family as we put one foot in front of the other. Please pray we'll not let evil overcome us.

I know God has great things planned and I know He wants me in them. Pray He reveals His Plan to me and pray for my patience as I quietly wait.

I love and miss my dear wife. My heart remains shattered but in Jesus' hands. My soul remains crushed but The Spirit is removing the weight. I'm still hurting and will be for a long time. But I know Yahweh will guide me through this valley and into His Light.

I love you, Felicia. Fiercely. Always. And forever.