My Million-Mile Mountain

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2 Timothy 1:7

June 21, 2023

This was the VOD from 2 years ago. This was also the verse we used at Marathon Church to start a children's ministry as a bridge between kids and teens - the fifth and sixth-graders. We used this verse as a statement for those kids and we named the ministry "Generation Plus" - the "Plus" is from the verse: Power, Love, (u) Sound mind. We wanted the kids to know they had the power to share their faith, should love those around them, and not to have any fear or doubt concerning God.

Felicia and I, along with Neil, his wife Ashley, and our ministry leader Tammy, taught Sunday School for Generation Plus for a few years. But, then, things changed and we eventually stopped teaching...

Through distractions and circumstances, Felicia and I never went back to Marathon. We never found another church home. So, we just continued our learning at home, discussing Biblical stories and content. Felicia's body just wasn't wanting to cooperate enough to allow us to go to church. I'd help Lynn's new church home with various plays and whatnot. But Felicia and I didn't have a church home for a decade...

This verse reminds me that I shouldn't be afraid to take my first real step off this boat and onto the stormy waters of this lake, halfway up this million-mile mountain, and start moving towards Yeshua. Yahweh didn't create me to be afraid of what lies ahead. He has given me the Spirit of #Power, the Spirit of #Love, the Spirit of a #SoundMind... having these gifts will help me, if I allow them...

Right now, I'm lonely... so, so lonely. I need to #grieve more before I take this true step onto the waters. I don't know how long that will take, but I need to let my heart mourn more. I'm so lonely. I'm not alone, though. He is with me. His rod and staff are comforting me.

I miss you and I love you, my darling wife. Always. Forever. #Fiercely