My Million-Mile Mountain

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June 17, 2023

One thing Felicia was really good about was showing mercy when mercy was needed. She gave you multiple chances to right your wrongs. She was always trying to help those who just couldn't help themselves. She was an incredible woman and a wonderful role model for #Truth and #Mercy and #Grace.

Now that my wife is no longer with me, I need to continue her legacy and help those who just can't help themselves. She had much more patience than I do, so I'll need to keep learning how to develop patience before I can truly have a good attitude about being merciful.

So, as I stand at the edge of this boat, looking out across the stormy lake towards Jesus, I need to remind myself that I am faithful and can walk across this water and into His Arms. It bothers me, though, that I'm still in this boat after I had thought I was nearly touching His Hands. This time, I need to make sure my feet are truly on the water. I'll step onto the water soon. I know I will.

Until then, I need to keep my focus on Yeshua. I need to keep my eyes on His Word. I need to share His #Love with everyone I meet. This requires patience and understanding. So please, dear reader, pray for me as I continue my journey up this million-mile mountain, remembering that I need to step off this boat first.

Wednesday night, I told the youth that even though I have always known Jesus, even though I fell away but then returned, I didn't really fellowship with others in the past 10ish years. Not as I had when Felicia and I were really active in the church. But through the tragedy that is my wife's sudden and unexpected death, I have felt the need to return, full-bore, to Our Father. I'm saddened that it took the most horrific event of my life to get me back to being actively involved with a church and sharing God's Love...

But I'm here. And Felicia would have wanted me to do this. She was always wanting us to get back into church, especially these past few years. It was just too physically demanding on her, so we just shared His Word with each other. Now, I'm being led to share His Word far beyond our home...

I love you, my beautiful angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely