My Million-Mile Mountain

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Colossians 3:12

May 24, 2023

This is a principle I strive for; a principle I've always had a hard time achieving, especially the "patience" part. But over the last 13 weeks, I've been learning patience. I still have a long way to go...

Felicia had much more patience than me. We both were compassionate, kind, and gentle, and Felicia was more humble than me. This is a principle everyone should strive for (boy, how much better would the world be if we all practiced this?) and a principle we all need.

As I continue my journey up this million-mile mountain, I'm learning things all over again. Living with Felicia for nearly 22 years (her mom gave me a room when my dad was selling the house) has spoiled me. She did so much for me over the years, I've forgotten a lot of small things. Like: I burn bacon now. When I used to cook, I could cook some great dishes and not burn bacon. But, after years of not practicing (I did cook now and then), I discovered I burn bacon. This discovery was made long ago, and Felicia would step in to finish.

There are other things, too, which have become "new" to me. Felicia did a LOT for me in our marriage. We really took care of each other. We were a well-oiled machine, each with our own strengths to support the other's weakness. Now...? Now I'm having to go through my life without my favorite part of me... I'm having to learn things all over again. I'm okay with having to do that. It's just that Felicia made everything better. She made my life better. She made our marriage better... Felicia allowed Yahweh to work through her so that I could return to Him. This is the number one, two, and three way she made my life and our marriage better - by letting God work through her, through us.

I can not thank my wife enough for what she did. I am forever grateful she stepped aside and let Yahweh work on me. She loved me so much she was willing to let God take me wherever He needed me. She wanted Him to use us in whatever way He needed. And, He did. We did a lot for His Creation and she always loved whenever we could help.

Now I'm on my own. Now I need to continue her legacy. I need to keep doing what God needs me to do.

I love you, my angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely