My Million-Mile Mountain

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God’s Temple

May 22, 2023

In Matthew 18:20, we read Yeshua saying, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." The verse of the day is Paul's reminder to the church of Corinth (and us) that as long as the people keep Jesus' #Name on their lips, and two or more of them are gathered to learn His teachings, then they are Yahweh's Temple and He will dwell with them. God's Temple isn't a building in the shape of a cross. It's not a cathedral with Gothic windows and high, vaulted ceilings.

No. His #Temple is His people, joined together in worship, in praise, in teaching, in learning... God's Temple is wherever two or more are gathered in the Name of Yeshua. My fellow believers: we all make up the Body of Christ, and when we meet in His Name, we are His #Church.

Felicia and I met in Jesus' name frequently. His Spirit dwelt with us on many occasions. It was a part of who we were; it was our promise we made to each other and to Yahweh - our marriage should have God over it. And the only way we could achieve that is if we put God before each other. And that's what we did. We established a hierarchy from the very beginning: Yahweh (in His Three Persons), each other, family. We never put ourselves before God. And we never put family before each other.

This hierarchical structure was the main reason our marriage worked so beautifully. It's the main reason we were happy, regardless of whatever circumstance we found ourselves in. Sure, we had our ups-and-downs, but we never had more than a small spat (I can only think of one or two). We always went to bed with a kiss and "I love you." We worked so well together, we became one. All because we put God #first in our lives. All because we made sure we called on Yeshua to dwell in our midst.

Felicia and I had a love so beautiful, so precious, my heart just weeps and weeps over her. The emptiness I feel without her reminds me how much love we had for each other. With my favorite part of me gone, I find myself wondering if I can ever be truly happy again. Then Yeshua reminds me, through the Holy Spirit, that I've never been alone in this...

I miss you, my angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely