May 10, 2023
This is one of the Biblical tenets I really try to focus on. I've been known to completely write off people because of their actions toward me or Felicia. I've written off a number of friends and relatives over the years because of how they treated us.
But that's not what the #Bible says to do. There are dozens of references to forgiving one another in the #NewTestament through the teachings of Yeshua and the letters from Paul, Timothy, and Peter. There's a reason we should be slow to anger and quick to forgive - this behavior emulates Yahweh's.
If we truly want the world to see God living in us through His Spirit, we need to try our best to be #righteous. Let me tell you, if it were easy, this world would be so much better...
11 weeks and one day ago, my world was painfully transformed into something I don't recognize. But in that transformation, I'm starting to see how my past behavior of being quick to write off people was probably based on unknown-to-me circumstances. Maybe the person just lost their job and directed their anger toward me or Felicia. Maybe the person just broke up with their boy/girlfriend and that heartache made them lash out. Who knows? We each have turmoil in our lives, some greater than others. But our own pains and sufferings make us a bit selfish in our actions.
Now that I'm in a new world, one with insurmountable pain and a million-mile mountain, I can see how a person may unintentionally cause hurt to another. If I have caused you any hurt, please forgive me. I need to be slower in my judgment and lean not on my own understanding. And, if you hurt me or Felicia, please know I #forgive you. I love you. But not as much as God, Our Father.
And I love you, my beautiful angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely