My Million-Mile Mountain

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Ephesians 4:32

May 7, 2023

In this day and age, this passage is one which most of us (including me) have a hard time practicing. It's hard to be kind to, even #tenderhearted toward, people whom adamantly and forcefully argue against us. Whether it's politics, religion, sports, family, or just some random thing, we can become consumed in our own passionate ideals that we seldom make time to hear others.

I get it. There are #ideals and #truths I'm passionate about. I will fight tooth and nail to defend what I believe. But, seldomly do I act tenderhearted during those times. This needs to change. It's a problem most of us have. It's a problem that continues to help this world spiral out of control. It's a problem that keeps trying to deliver our countries, in a handbasket, to the pits of hell.

Whenever I see some random act of kindness, I get choked-up. I love seeing pure, unadulterated tenderness being given freely. It's those moments I want to give others...

It's those moments Felicia #loved, too. Just like me, she did have certain topics in which she was really passionate about. She would barely argue with anyone, though. Instead, she'd say what she needed to say and let that be it. She'd walk away after, sometimes shaken, sometimes upset. But she rarely was unkind. Even when she would discuss some conversation she had with some random person or someone she knew, she would show me her tender heart. Sure, she would be upset some of those times, but she did her best not to let that interfere with how she acted.

I need to start practicing what my lovely wife did. I need to start reflecting what the #Word of God says. Being kind and tenderhearted are so important, both of these traits are mentioned dozens of times throughout His Word. I can't share His Gospel if I don't change my attitude. I can't change my attitude if I don't continue my walk of #faith across this stormy lake towards Yeshua's hands. I'm working on these values. And I pray you are, too.

Thank you, Felicia, for your tender heart. It always gave me a warm embrace. I love you. Always. Forever. #Fiercely