My Million-Mile Mountain

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May 6, 2023

This is a part of the #faith I need to have to continue walking across this water toward Jesus. As long as I #trust in the Lord, I know I can make it.

This trip I've taken has proven to be much more emotional than I thought it would be, and I haven't even been here 24 hours, yet. It hit me as I walked into this hotel room. I collapsed on the sofa and just wept. I miss Felicia horribly. Especially now.

Whenever I traveled in the past, I would call Felicia at least twice a day and text her throughout the day. I loved hearing her voice, making her laugh... when I arrived at the airport, I couldn't call her. I couldn't let her know that I already missed her. Sure, I could've called other people, but no one can replace Felicia and the #love we shared. It's a #painful thing, not being able to talk to my wife. It hurts. Tremendously.

But I trust Yahweh will continue to help me weather this storm as I move forward, reaching for Yeshua. I trust in the Spirit to keep this unbearable weight from crushing my soul. I trust in Yeshua to continue mending my shattered heart.

They say, "Time heals all wounds." Well, this wound, this amputation of my favorite part of me, will never be fully healed. There will always be a painful scar, no matter how long I'm around. I could live here for another thousand years, and my wound will not be fully healed. But that's okay... this wound will be a reminder of my love for my wonderful wife.

I love and miss you, my darling angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely