My Million-Mile Mountain

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Crucified with Christ

April 29, 2023

When I first met Felicia 22 years ago, I knew she was someone special. I knew, immediately, she was the one God created to be my wife. But I also knew she was someone truly special. She had a glow about her. She radiated His #Love. Her heart shone His #Presence. She kept His Word in her heart, and you could see Yeshua through her being.

It was this trait about her that drew me to her. Yahweh placed her in my life at that very moment on St. Patrick's Day 2001 so that I could be influenced to return back to the path He laid out for me. And I've been #grateful and #thankful ever since. I'm so thankful Felicia lived by #faith in the Son of God. I'm so grateful she kept Him first and foremost in her life. She always did.

Now, I need to walk across this stormy lake with that same faith. I need to be crucified with My Lord and let Him live in me. I need to let Yeshua show Himself through me to anyone I come across. I need to be His Hands and Feet. I need to show everyone there's still #hope, even in the darkest of hours, the most desperate of times, the deepest of despair... I need people to know that through the most tragic of events, Yahweh is there; His Love and #Grace are still prevalent; He's still with us even if we feel abandoned.

We're never abandoned by God. If we ever feel that way, it's because we abandoned Him. Once we've admitted our sinful ways to Him, once we've proclaimed Yeshua is Messiah who died for our iniquities and rose again, conquering death, His Spirit will dwell in us. And, because of this #fact, we can rest, assured that Our Father will always be there. Felicia knew this. And now she's worshipping in His Full Love. This is my comfort. This is my peace.

I love you, my beautiful wife. Always. Forever. #Fiercely