My Million-Mile Mountain

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Dwelling in His House

April 28, 2023

As I continue my million-mile climb up this mountain by stepping out of this boat and onto the stormy lake, I earnestly seek Him. I am trying to keep my eyes focused on Him, on His #Beauty, His #Love. I need to be stronger in my #Faith and show Him how much I want to #serve Him.

Ever since February 21, 2023, I've been pursuing Our Father; I've been reaching for Yeshua. Now, my focus is even stronger. I still #hurt. I still #mourn. I still #weep for my beloved wife, my angel... I still miss the best part about me: my beautiful Felicia.

Ever since we met, I knew she was constantly seeking to #dwell in His House, to be in His Wonderful Presence. It was her love for Yahweh that brought me back to the path He set before me. My darling Felicia was always hungry for His #Wisdom, His #Truth. It's this hunger that led me back to Him, and I am eternally #grateful for that.

So, now, as I start to walk across this water towards My #Savior and #Lord Jesus, I need to prove to Him, to Adonai, that I am ready to continue this climb. I want to be God's. I want Him to use me, my story, to help those in need. I want Jesus' ministry to include me so that I can be His Hands and comfort those who mourn, who grieve. I want to dwell in His House so that I can better reflect His Truth and Love to those who feel lost and alone.

My wife and I started this journey 22 years ago. Now, I need to continue moving forward so I can honor Our Creator. I need to show Him that He can depend on me as a #witness to His #Glory and #Grace. Through my tragedy, I want to share with others that there is still #Hope. My shattered heart is being healed, but I still miss my beautiful wife terribly. I still find myself frozen in heartache. But I know He will comfort me. I still find myself remembering that I'm a widower, and the painful reminders stop me in my tracks. But Yeshua, His Spirit, are there by my side, helping me move...

I love you, my angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely