My Million-Mile Mountain

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Matthew 7:24

April 27, 2023

It's hard to strictly follow Yeshua and obey His every commandment, including the first ten. None of us can adhere fully and completely to the Word - we're all #sinners and fall short of the #Glory of the Lord. Therefore, we are incapable of following all of Christ's teachings and all of the teachings of the Torah without any form of an impure heart. As the Bible says, our hearts are wicked.

But as difficult as it is to perfectly follow God's #Laws, we still must strive for that impossible perfection; we still must take up our crosses and follow Yeshua daily. In doing so, we are showing Him that we're serious about trying to #live for Him in all our actions.

This was Felicia. While we all have our flaws and shortcomings, Felicia as well, she did do her best to follow His Word and put them into practice whenever and wherever she could. Even through her pain and suffering, she still tried to keep His Word in her heart, sharing the Good News whenever she could. My wife was a great example of a God-Fearing, Jesus-Loving, humble person who tried to work through her own flaws to show those around her who Jesus is. The way she interacted with others, the smiles she gave, the words of wisdom and understanding she provided, all pointed to her walk with Our Lord and Savior.

My wife has always been this way. Well, as long as I've known her, anyway. It was her love for Jesus that returned me to the path Yahweh created for me. Because she put into practice the teachings of Yeshua, I returned to Him. God lovingly used my wife as a way to bring me back to His #Grace. I will never be able to thank Felicia enough for willingly being an instrument of God and helping Him pull me back onto my path.

But, now, my path is up this million-mile mountain, just across this stormy lake I need to walk on. As I've said before, I had two choices to make February 21, and I chose God. I'm #thankful I did and I'm #grateful it was Felicia’s #love for Jesus that brought me back to this path. I just always thought my path would include Felicia by my side indefinitely...

I miss you, my angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely