My Million-Mile Mountain

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April 19, 2023

This is something I need to keep reminding myself of. As long as I keep my #trust in Yahweh, I know He'll strengthen me. As long as I remain focused on Yeshua, I will be protected from evil - I won't stumble, I won't fall if I keep my eyes on Him, keep my #faith in Him.

Felicia knew this. She leaned heavily on the Lord through her pain and suffering. She knew that as long as she kept her trust in Him, He would be faithful to her and carry her through her pain. And, now, His Faithfulness is what has brought her Home. She's #worshiping at His Feet, awash in His Holy Light, praising His Name. She's #whole and #healed and #ALIVE again in His Glory. This comforts me.

In my darkest moments, knowing my sweet wife is with Our Father brings me peace. Through my mournful tears, I know she's where we all long to be. In my #despair, I find #joy knowing she's with Yahweh.

I wept last night... I couldn't stop all the wonderful memories flooding my mind and welling up in my heart. I wept remembering all we had done, all we had gone through - the trips we'd taken, the laughs we shared, the love we had... it was a deep weep. But, it was a fond one. I could feel her telling me that I don't need to be upset, I don't need to weep for her because she's healed. God gave me that peace. Through Him, I could feel her telling me she's in the best place we can never imagine and that I can step out of this boat and continue up my million-mile mountain.

I truly felt her. I know it was God giving me that sense of peace. I know it was Adonai putting that feeling on my heart, echoing her voice in my mind, caressing my face as I wept... and, I thank My Lord for giving me that #comfort. I thank Him for letting me feel my wife with me. My weeping will still flow for a while. My mourning will still be a part of my moment-to-moment life for a while. But I know I have Him to lean on. I know Yeshua is restoring my shattered heart. I know the Holy Spirit is carrying my immovable weight...

I love you, my beautiful bride. Always. Forever. #Fiercely