My Million-Mile Mountain

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Easter Sunday

April 9, 2023

Today is the day we celebrate the resurrection of My Lord and Savior Yeshua the Messiah. Today, while people pretend some mystical rabbit invaded their homes just to leave their kids baskets of sugar, we should focus on what's #real and #true: Jesus of Nazareth reclaimed His Life by waking up in the #tomb and finishing His ministry before returning to the right hand of His Father, Our Father.

It's this #Hope we have, the #Faith we have, in His Resurrection that has enabled me to climb my million-mile mountain. As the old hymn goes: "Because He lives I can face tomorrow." And, I can. I have. I've faced every tomorrow since February 21 because My Savior #LIVES.

It seemed insurmountable and impossible at first. But I knew that Yeshua had my shattered heart in His nail-scarred hands. I knew the Holy Spirit was lifting the immovable weight from my crushed soul. I knew Yahweh's Word was a "lamp unto my path" to help guide me from the miry sludge I found myself in and up the path He wanted me to climb.

Because Jesus Lives, I've been able to keep climbing this mountain, knowing that my beautiful wife is singing His Praises and worshiping at His Feet, full of His #Love and #Grace. How wonderful it must be for her... how incredible it must be to be fully pain-free and surrounded by a love so pure and so strong. This is my #comfort; this is my #peace - Felicia is now in His Presence, basking in His #Glory.

All because He lives!

I turned a corner yesterday, I think. I feel like I've finally come to terms with her sudden and unexpected passing. I still hurt. I still long for her arms, her kiss. But, she's #healed and in His Kingdom. This has helped me to get to the corner and turn it. I still have a long way to go, though.

Thank you, Yeshua, for taking our #sins upon you and rising from the #tomb. Because YOU LIVE, I know Felicia is in your presence now. And I love that. I love you, Jesus. You have continued to carry my broken heart. And I thank you.

I miss you, my sweet angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely