Restoring Me

March 16, 2023

This is what I'm holding on to. This is how I know I'll be okay.

I still hurt. I still cry. I still long for my love, my beautiful wife. I still can hear her laugh, see her smile, feel her caress... these are painfully wonderful memories that I try to keep fresh in my mind... in my heart.

I know I will suffer more (tomorrow is the 22nd anniversary of when we met). I know I will fall to my knees more. But as long as I keep The Word in my heart, I know I can climb this million-mile mountain without much difficulty. It's His Loving Grace that keeps me going. It's His Holy Strength that keeps me upright.

I know Yahweh has a mission for me, and I patiently wait for Him to show me what it is. As I wait, I continue to worship Him and His Undying, Unfailing Love. Were it not for my #Faith in Yeshua, my Faith in Yahweh, I have no idea what condition I'd be in today. It's ONLY because of God, because of Jesus, because of the Holy Spirit that I can continue this journey. I am eternally grateful for Their Presence in my life.

I miss Felicia. Horribly. But she's whole and healed and ALIVE in His Glory, singing praises to Him. This warms my shattered heart (a heart Jesus is putting back together). This comforts my crushed soul (which The Spirit is removing the weight from). But I still mourn for her...

I love you, my dear princess Felicia. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


The Day We Met…


My Refuge