My Million-Mile Mountain

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March 31, 2023

There is no doubt Felicia believes this. There is no doubt Felicia not only believes these words spoken by The Messiah, she also believes in Him. Felicia loves The Lord and spread His Light wherever she went. She was never ashamed to let anyone she met know her firm beliefs in Our Father, His Son, and His Holy Spirit. My wife was strong in her #faith - so strong, it's what pulled me from the path of destruction I was on and back towards the path of righteousness.

It's because of Felicia’s faith I was able to turn my life around those 22 years ago and start anew in my own faith. I am eternally grateful for Felicia’s beliefs and strong faith. She let God use her to redirect my own path. And, now, he's used her, again, to help me climb this new million-mile mountain.

It was through life with Felicia I rediscovered God's #Love for me. It was through fellowship with Felicia that I found a new purpose in Yeshua. And now, through her unexpected and sudden death, I found new, unknown #strength in my faith - I found that my love for Yahweh is so much stronger than I ever thought.

I'm so thankful that I know my wife is a firm believer in Adonai, in His Son, The Christ. It's her firm belief that helps the healing of my shattered heart, my crushed soul... I know Felicia is fully healed, without pain and suffering, without tears, and full of #joy while worshiping Our Lord in His Full #Glory. This is my #peace. This is my #solace.

Compound this with the greatest news ever given to #man in Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, you find my broken #heart bursts with so much joy and happiness. While I still mourn my wife’s untimely passing, I still praise His Name for giving me 22 incredible years with the most wonderful woman I've met. Thank you, Father, for your love for me.

I miss you, my beautiful wife. Always. Forever. #Fiercely