
February 27, 2023

These past seven days, my family has been so loved and supported by our friends. And, we continue to embrace the love and support as we continue forward.

Losing a loved one is difficult. Losing a spouse is horrendous. I can't imagine what losing a child is like. So, please continue to keep Vickie in your prayers as she takes each day one step at a time.

Our hearts are shattered and we're still waiting to wake up... but, this nightmare is real...

However, in the full embrace of Our Father and under the full Love of the Holy Spirit, and with the full support of Yeshua, our Messiah, we know we will be able to continue this journey.

I miss my dear, sweet Felicia more than I have ever missed everything else altogether. A million times a million more... I can rest, though, in His Spirit knowing my sweet angel is no longer suffering; she's no longer in any pain.

And I know that our family is well-loved by our dear friends. We appreciate every one of you. Please don't feel like you need to say anything. I've heard, often, these past 7 days "I just don't know what to say." We know. We understand. Just you being there, in person or over text/the phone, is enough for us. We don't expect you to know what to say during these times but we love you reaching out.

Making adjustments to a new life after such a tragedy takes time and we appreciate our friends while we do. You have been given to us by Our Father for times such as this. And, I pray we can be there for you all if ever you need us, too.

On behalf of Felicia's family, I want to say we love you. And we thank you for your continued support. God is good, even in these times. My prayer is you see Him for who He is - Love and Hope. Yeshua is the Lord of Lords and wants to embrace us. Let Him. He is our Comforter. Let Him comfort you, too.

I miss Felicia. And, I will always. She has been my best friend, my soulmate, and my reminder of God's Sweet Love... I hurt. I'm broken. But I'm in Yahweh's hands and am His to use. Felicia would like that...

I love you, angel. Always. And forever.




My Anthem