He is My Refuge

March 1, 2023

As I continue to climb this million-mile mountain, I try, earnestly, to remain in Adonai's shadow; I try my best to dwell in His Presence. No, it hasn't been easy. Yes, I've been tempted to turn away.

But, I can't turn away. I can't NOT have #faith. Yeshua is with me; His Spirit is guiding me. Even when I feel alone, I rest knowing I'm not; when I feel abandoned, I remind myself to dwell in Him who made me, dwell in My Lord's Love...

I find that this million-mile mountain path is easier when I fully and passionately give myself to Yahweh. Will I stumble in the journey ahead? Yes. Will I fall to my knees in agony? Yes. But, my love for Felicia is but a glimmer next to my love for Jesus. I need Him and I trust Him. I know I'm broken and I know my heart longs for my dear wife. I miss her terribly and love her #fiercely. But, I rest in His Presence, knowing that she's no longer in horrible, miserable, debilitating, crushing pain; I rest knowing she's in the Full #Glory of Our Father's #Love.

As I continue this journey, I'm aware there will be challenges. I know I'll have to continue to breathe, eat, and sleep. But I also know that as long as I focus on Him, and rely on Him as my refuge, my fortress, I can conquer this mountain.

I have never been as close to My Lord as I am now. I have never felt his full and complete Love more than I do now. I know I'll have struggles, but I know He's with me. As it is written, I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. I know this and am longing for His mission for me to begin (if it hasn't already). I am fully God's.

I still am broken, but I know He's putting me back together. I still hurt terribly, but I know He's here comforting me. My soul is still crushed, but His Spirit is removing the weight...

I love you, my sweet, lovely, beautiful, incredible angel. Always. Forever. Fiercely.


The Little Things


Jeremiah 29:11-14