Replenishing My Soul

March 5, 2023

One year ago, today, I posted this verse. How VERY appropriate it is for right now in my life...

Friends, I can't describe to you what I'm feeling. I knew I had a boulder to climb at this point in my million-mile journey, but having Yeshua by my side, having His Spirit with me, having Yahweh surrounding me and my family, the cremation was so peaceful, so full of love and JOY. It's probably a little unusual for you all to understand, but as Jesus said in today's verse of the day "Where two or three of you are gathered in My Name, I'll be with you."

Well, my dear friends, with your prayers and support and with the faith my family has, I felt FULLY surrounded by God while at the mortuary. Lynn felt it. Vickie felt it. I pray my other family who were with us felt Him, too.

I feel so at peace and full of His Love right now. And, it's only a fraction of what Felicia is feeling in His Presence. I can't put into words what I feel, so I'm doing as best I can. I know and expect to still experience many more boulders along the way. But as long as I keep my eyes on Him, as long as I remain in His Hands, I know these other boulders will be pebbles just like today.

Thank you, all, for your continued prayers and support. I don't know if the journey would be as peaceful without y'all. I love you all.

And, I love you, my dear Felicia. I always have even before we met. And I always will. Forever. #Fiercely


His Plan for Me…


Returning to Christ