Joyful, Patient, and Faithful

March 10, 2023

As I continue to climb this million-mile mountain, I can't help but to "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." My Hope is in Yahweh. My Faith is in His Son, Yeshua. And I remain patient in my heartbroken affliction, knowing Our Father is here with me, being my strong tower, my deliverer, my shelter.

Though each day seems to get a little easier as I continue up this path, I still struggle. I struggle with myself and I struggle with losing a part of me. I know, however, that the part I lost is now fully healed. I know my beautiful wife of 19 glorious years is now in the presence of the Most High, dancing and singing in His Full Glory, awash with His unbreakable Love.

Thank you, Father, for healing my wonderful wife. Thank you for bringing her peace. I miss her profoundly but I know that she's in Your Awesome Presence and this comforts me. You, Heavenly Father, are Wonderful and I love You.

And I miss you, my sweet, sweet Felicia. I sometimes still think this is a dream but I know it's not. I long for your arms to hold me, your lips to press against mine, your loving eyes... I long to see you. I know I will, again. I'll just have to fulfill God's plans for me, first, however long that will take.

I love you, angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


Colossians 3:2


A Woman Who Can Be Trusted