My Million-Mile Mountain

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Let Me Be Clear

February 26, 2023

I feel like I need to make sure something is clear:

Over the past few days, I've read numerous comments about how strong I am during this.

I'm not. At all. I'm broken. I'm terribly broken and don't know if the pieces will ever be made whole again.

The strength you see in me is from the Lord. For a lot of you, this may already be understood. I just want the rest of you to know. I'm a beaten, shattered, lost man. My world has been fully decimated. But, Yahweh has been my refuge; my strong tower. Yeshua has been the carrier of my burden. The strength you see is from the Holy Spirit carrying my soul.

Otherwise, I'd be unable to move. I'd be starving. I'd be catatonic. I know this. And I know that I need My Father. I need His Love and Grace. I need His Strength. Or, I will never make it.

I thank you all for your continued prayers and support. I will need it in the months ahead.

But, please, give Glory to Him who gives me strength. It's not me.