My Million-Mile Mountain

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February 25, 2023

A year ago today, I shared this scripture. A year ago today, I would have never known it would have been Felicia 's last birthday. But, how fitting is this verse as a reminder?

Yahweh, I pray you hold Lynn, Lee, and Vickie close today as we celebrate her life. I pray you bring comfort and peace to all of us as we move through this day.

I especially pray for me... My Father, you know my pain; you know my loss. Adonai, you know how much I love Felicia. My heart aches... my mind is foggy... my arms yearn for her embrace... my lips yearn for her kiss.

Elohim, I pray you will hold me up, today, as I remember, with love, every birthday Felicia got to spend with me over the past 21 years (we met a few weeks after her birthday 22 years ago). Give me strength to share Your Love and the Love of Our Lord Jesus. Help me to be your voice in our time of despair. Let Your Light, Love, and Words flow through me when we celebrate my sweet angel's life.

I miss her terribly, Father. My heart is still shattered... my soul is still crushed. But, I know you're there; I know my Savior has my broken heart in His Hands; I know the Holy Spirit will lift this crushing weight from my soul. I pray you give me strength to continue climbing this million-mile mountain.

Thank you, Yahweh. I love you.

And, I love you, my dear princess Felicia. Always. Forever.