
June 10, 2023

Felicia was a good example of acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with Yahweh. It was her walk with God which brought me back to Him after 10+ years of roaming the desert. Her love for Him was apparent and contagious. I loved her even more for that. And, through her own walk and my return to Him, I grew to appreciate passages like this.

However, I have yet to fully grasp loving mercy. I have yet to always act justly. And I'm still trying to walk humbly with Adonai...

I used to think that being a Christian was a hard way to live. After all, Yeshua said people who follow His Ways and become His Disciples would suffer at the hands of the unbelievers. So, surely, living according to His Word was going to be difficult. But, is it? I mean, really? How hard is it to abide by the 10 Commandments? How hard is it to "act justly?" Or to "love mercy?"

In some places outside of the US, it is difficult to share about Yeshua. I know. But here? The only way it can be difficult here is to start exhibiting these traits (and others as identified by Jesus) and then worrying about what someone thinks or says. Yes, we live in an age where the loudest screamer gets their way - we no longer have civil discord across the political and social aisles.

But, why should we let that get in our way of living according to The Word? Are you afraid that if you say something, you'll be fired? Are you fearful a good friend of yours will disown you if you talk about the Love of Our Messiah?

I was talking to a fellow this morning about this, and something came to me: if you worry about ANYTHING, then you're telling God you don't fully #Trust Him. This means you aren't as faithful as you think you are. It's time we started to show the world who Jesus is. It's time we start proving our faith by not worrying about what happens when we share His Story. If we keep making excuses as to why we don't talk about Jesus at work (HR may get a notice) or in school (a counselor may try to interfere), how are we supposed to be Disciples??

So what if HR gets notified? So what if school tries to punish us? Are your peers' eternal lives not worth the potential sacrifice of a job or education? We're talking eternity, here. We can find other jobs. We can attend other schools. But, we may have only ONE chance to share the Story of Jesus with those around us. Don't be afraid (the Bible has "do not be afraid" written 365 times - one for each day - so I'd say that's an important statement from God). #HaveFaith

My Felicia did. I love you, angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


Missing You


Proverbs 12:25