His Spirit is With Me

May 5, 2023

This morning, as I prepare to board the plane headed to a place I hope God will reveal Himself to me, I cast my anxiety, sorrow, heartache, turmoil on Him. I give Him all my sadness and despair. I plead with Him to travel with me as I take this next step across the water, getting ever closer to Yeshua.

This weight I carry is unbearable, but The Spirit is with me, lifting it from my crushed soul. This shattered heart of mine suffers tremendously, but Jesus is putting it back together. My life has been turned upside-down, but Yahweh is graciously and lovingly turning it right-side up.

I #mourn deeply for my #love. I cry for her warm embrace. I weep for her soft kiss. My shattered heart hasn't felt the same since February 21. With every beat it takes, it reminds me that my sweet bride isn't here...

BUT, the Holy Spirit is. He's been with me since I found her lifeless body in our room. And because He's been with me, He's also impressed Felicia's warmth and love on me. Some people think they feel their loved ones with them after they've departed. I understand that. But, I recognize it's not really my Felicia. It's the Holy Spirit comforting my soul by reminding my heart of the love and #joy my wife gave me. This brings me comfort. And knowing she's singing and dancing in God's #Glory, I'm given a peace in my #grief.

I love you, my angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


Grief Never Ends


Colossians 4:2