Proverbs 4:23

May 8, 2023

The heart is an interesting thing. On the one hand, it is where all matters of life springs from and what we should use to #trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-7). On the other, it's not to be trusted on its own (Jeremiah 17:9-10; Matthew 15:19).

Our hearts are something mankind has had to deal with ever since Eve gave Adam the #fruit. We try to do what we think is right ("follow our heart") and not necessarily what Yahweh says is right ("Trust in the Lord with all your heart..."). I think this is why we need to learn to guard our hearts and allow it to trust Him. God reads our hearts. He knows what our desires are. If we turn from Him by "following our hearts" to somewhere He would rather we not go, we are showing Him we trust ourselves more than we do Him.

The Bible mentions how our hearts dictate our lives in all sorts of passages. The Bible instructs us to "lean not on our own understanding, but in all our ways, acknowledge Him." The sooner we can set our own desires aside for the Will of God, the better our lives will be. No, I don't mean the easier it will be (Yeshua said His followers will suffer in this life), I mean our lives will be more significant in the grand scheme of things, effectively being a part of His Plan.

This is how my dear wife, Felicia, believed. This is how WE believed together. Sure, we sometimes got off track and followed our hearts, usually not realizing it. But, when we did notice it, we often corrected it. Felicia did her best to guard her heart, acknowledge Him in all her ways, and trust in the Father for what was best for us. We grew together this way. And we lived our lives without worry because of this.

Now, I need to continue trusting in My Lord, walk across this water, take His Hands, and continue climbing my million-mile mountain...

I love you, my beautiful princess. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


Do Not Be Dismayed


Ephesians 4:32