Romans 8:1

May 11, 2023

Felicia had a #love for Yeshua so deep it affected those who knew her. Even those who just met her could feel His Spirit within her. She did her best to walk after the Spirit. So much so that her walk always encouraged me. This is how I know she's dancing in Adonai's #Presence, basking in His #Glory, praising His Wonderful Name.

I need to hold fast to this verse. I need to keep walking after His Spirit and not my own flesh. I need to show Yeshua that I'm carrying my #cross and following Him. I need to grab His outstretched hands above this stormy lake and let Him use me in a way that brings Him Glory and #Honor and #Praise. I need to keep having the #faith of a child and #trust that I'm doing what He needs me to do.

This is the difficult part, too. As it goes, the more you chase after God's Own Heart, the harder satan and his minions will go after you. It's easier to let temptation win than keep a narrow focus on Yahweh. But, GREAT is the reward for those who maintain their God-Planned Course. This is why Paul talks about the full armor of God. Paul knows all too well how satan can easily trick us. We need to keep His Word in our hearts so that the evil serpent of old can't reach us.

As I move across this stormy lake, about to grasp Our Messiah's hands, I need to keep this verse in my heart. As I begin to continue my million-mile climb up this mountain, I need to remember that as long as I'm walking after His Spirit, I'll be just fine. As difficult as these last 11 weeks have been, my respite is knowing my dear Felicia is with Him, in His Magnificent Glory, full of His Love and Peace, free from any pain and suffering, and shedding no more tears.

I know I still have a long way to go to reach the #summit, but I'm not going to stop. I've been getting reminders from different people that God is using me profoundly and in ways I never thought He would. This is why I've chosen this journey. I need people to know Yahweh is right there in front of them. They just need to put their #trust in Him. As Felicia did. As I'm doing.

Thank you, my wife, for 22 incredible years. I love you. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


John 1:12

