Psalm 143:10

May 13, 2023

After I was able to somewhat collect myself that fateful Tuesday, February 21st, one of the first things I asked of Yahweh is to lead me to wherever He needs me. I knew that I couldn't move forward without His guidance. I knew I wouldn't be able to climb my million-mile mountain without His Hand.

I'm trying to learn to do His Will. I'm trying to stay on His Path He created for me. I've been trying to stay this coarse since that Tuesday nearly 12 weeks ago. It hasn't been easy, especially in the beginning. The serpent of old has tried to tempt me to leave this path. I've stepped foot off it but quickly realized what I was doing, asked for forgiveness, asked for guidance, and made it back to this path.

Now, I'm on a stormy lake, Yeshua's outstretched hands mere inches from mine. I'm ready to learn what His Will for me is. I want to use my suffering, my heartache, my sorrow as a tool to teach others who God really is: a God of #Love through #Grace, #Mercy, and #Truth. Without Him, I'd be utterly destroyed. Without Him, I'd be wandering aimlessly, perhaps in a ditch somewhere, completely despondent. I know this. And I knew it that Tuesday, which is why I ran even harder TOWARDS My Heavenly Father. Now, I pray He helps me to learn His Will for me.

And I thank Him for 22 incredible years with the most wonderful wife a man could ever have. I thank Him for giving us each other for that season of our lives. My comfort in this pain is knowing that Felicia is with Him, praising His Name, worshipping in His Full #Glory. This is my peace...

I love you, my beautiful angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely




John 1:12