Pax Vobiscum

May 21, 2023

I love how Yahweh sends me the Words I need to read at particular times. I'm #thankful for this reminder that Yeshua gives me a #peace like none other. It's this peace I need, now. And will again. And again.

This has been a very tough week for me. Between the fresh shattering of my heart and the vertigo that jumped in, I've been struggling. I'm still struggling. And, I'll continue struggling for a while. But as long as I have my focus on Yahweh, on His Son Yeshua, I know I'll heal. I know I'll be awash in peace.

Grief is an odd emotion. Sometimes, it's a peaceful, loving emotion. Sometimes, it's a sobbing, heart-wrenching emotion. Grief's stages are not linear and can come in waves or ripples. No one person grieves the same as any other. Some just close themselves off to the world while others take on the world. Regardless of how one grieves and their intensity, the one thing all grievers have in common is a lack of peace.

I know my healing will take a good while - maybe several more months... maybe several more years... who knows? Sometimes, I feel at peace; I feel like I've reached a turning point. Then something so small can happen, and I'm right back into the throes of it. Like coming home from being away for 8 days...

So, I still struggle. Daily. Moment to moment. Some days, my grief is like a mist on an early summer morning. Others, it's like a category 5 hurricane, and I have nowhere to run... but I do, don't I? I have the Peace Jesus promises. It's this peace I seek. Daily. Moment to moment...

It's this peace, the peace of Our Father, Felicia is enjoying right now. She's surrounded in His #Glory, enveloped in His #Love, cleansed in His Peace. Through my agony and turmoil, this does bring me comfort. Knowing my bride is with Our Lord does relieve my heart, though it still needs healing...

I love you, my beautiful angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


God’s Temple


God Shall Wipe Away Every Tear