Thy Will Be Done

April 18, 2023

I've got a good friend whom I've known for years (though we've hardly spent any time together - life and whatnot, you know) who's having some, what seem to be, life-growing decisions to make, along with his family. I commented on his post, but I think it's appropriate to share my comment with y'all because we all need to be reminded, especially me:

I pray your and your family's hopes and dreams are part of God's Plan. I also pray that if they aren't, you and your family can graciously accept what God DOES have planned for you.

We often get so bogged down with our own desires that we miss the mark or completely ignore (usually, unintentionally) God's Will for us. We ask Him to re-think His Will to better reflect our own, earthly wants. And this is how we stumble and get lost in the wilderness.

I thought His Will for me was to grow old with my darling wife. Now that I know this isn't true, I need to learn to understand Him more and be fully accepting of whatever His Will for me is.

This is the struggle we mere humans deal with on a daily basis. But the more we study His Word - the more we realize our desires may not be what He intends - the sooner His Will can be worked in our lives.

As I said, I pray your and your family's hopes and dreams are part of God's Plan. And if they aren't, I pray y'all accept what He has in store for each of you. Because His plans are better than ours, right?

Keep Praying. Keep Seeking. We'll all see His Glory when we do.

I'm sharing my comment as a reminder to myself that my hopes and dreams may not align with God's Plan. For most of us, this is generally the case. We live in a very selfish society and have been taught at a young age that we control our destiny and should be able to trust our hearts to follow whatever path it wants. The Bible says our hearts are wicked... why would we want to follow wickedness?

So, even though we have hopes and dreams which may even include a ministry or some other form of using your talents and spiritual gifts, we need to remain focused on Yahweh, abide in His Word, so that we can be more aligned with God's Plan. We can't ask Our Father to re-evaluate His Plan for us - it has already been put in place and had been for millenia. We should ask OURSELVES to re-evaluate OUR plan to ensure it aligns with what God wants from us.

If you're like me, you need things spelled out in large, bold letters, detailing each and every step we should take. But, that's being lazy and makes us look like we're putting no effort into our lives. So, if you want to truly invest your life in Yahweh, if you truly want His Will to "be done," pick up your cross, step out of the boat and onto the water, and Jesus will guide you. This is advice I need to heed, myself. And am working on it. Fervently.

So, I pray that you, dear reader, will join me, pick up your cross, and step out of this boat with me. I'm stuck, too. But God's Faith in me is far more powerful than my fear of what's next, my fear of losing what I have left of my sweet bride - the precious memories and reminders etched on my heart.

I love each of you and I pray that we can all refocus our hopes and dreams, following God's Will instead of ours.



