My Million-Mile Mountain

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May 3, 2023

Were it not for my loving family and friends, my brothers and sisters in Christ, I have no idea where I would be today. No doubt your prayers and kind words have been keeping me up and moving forward. I thank Yahweh for putting every one of you in my life. I'm a better man for it.

I'm a better man because of how God used my lovely Felicia to return me back to the path He planned for me. Felicia and I lived by this verse. We constantly built each other up. Whenever I'd get hit with some bad situation, Felicia was my encourager. She was my cheerleader. Without Felicia's love and care for me, I would still be somewhere out in the wilderness. God used my wife to bring me back to Him.

After 22 years of a beautiful friendship, companionship, love, and 19 years of wedded bliss, God used the worst ever possible situation I have ever encountered to bring me even closer to Him. I've said this many times, already, but it's worth repeating: I could have run FROM Our Father. I could have completely abandoned Him and given up on Him. Easily. A lot of people do, sadly. But I couldn't. God is incapable of #evil. He didn't take my wife from me. She was already His. She thirsted after His Word; she sought after His #Love. She was His already. No, He didn't take her. He did call her home, though.

And since I know she's #praising His Name in #Eternal #Glory, I find comfort. My peace is that she's healed and in His Presence. I still #mourn. I still #weep. I still wake in the morning with that solemn reminder... and I will for a good while. Losing my favorite part of me has been painful, and the wound needs more healing along with my shattered heart. But, I AM healing. As is my heart...

I love you, my beautiful princess. Always. Forever. #Fiercely