My Million-Mile Mountain

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John 10:11

April 10, 2023

Yeshua gave His life on the #cross so that those who believe in Him can live eternally with Yahweh in His Full #Glory, surrounded by His #Love. Jesus gave His life because He's the Good Shepherd.

This #Fact is something Felicia loved and clung to. She knows Jesus as her own Shepherd, her own #Savior, and she constantly sought after His guidance, His #Wisdom.

I love that about my wife. I love that she was always thinking about His Enduring Love, His #Truth. She was not afraid nor ashamed to share her love for Him. She knows He is the Good Shepherd. This constantly brings me comfort in my #grief; this constantly reminds me my Felicia is with Him at this very moment, praising His Name, basking in His Presence, worshiping in His Love.

While I'm still healing, while I'm still letting Jesus put my shattered heart back together, I'm finding it just a little easier to handle. There are still a billion reminders of her all around me, but they conjure beautiful memories of my sweet wife. I still weep, but my tears are bittersweet - they're tears of a broken heart but also tears of happiness for her: she's #healed and ALIVE in His Presence. She's dancing and singing without any pain or suffering. So even though I still mourn for her, my mourning turns to contentment because my wife is no longer hurting and never will again.

Out of our 19 years of marriage, 22 years of togetherness, we've probably spent more than half that time with her suffering to some extent, only getting worse in the latter years. Now, she's not suffering in debilitating pain. Now, she's not in agony. Now, she's delivered from her pain and feeling nothing but love and joy. And I'm thankful for that. I'm thankful she can be free from all that suffering and just worship Him, our Good Shepherd.

I love you, my beautiful, sweet, awesome, kind, sexy, intelligent, loving angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely