Proverbs 3:7

March 18, 2023

As I continue my million-mile mountain climb, I need reminders like this. I need to understand that I shouldn't rely on my own understanding (as counter-intuitive as that statement seems) and #Trust in the #Truth. I am still stumbling as I hike up this path; I'm still falling.

But I still cry out to Him who Created All Things and Makes All Things New - I ask Him to forgive my errant ways and to help keep me focused on Him. Last night was one of my errant nights - I found myself angry with Him... I fell into the hole of "Why would you allow this??" It was a painful fall. But after I realized what I was doing, I immediately asked for His #Forgiveness and Help to get out of the hole.

It's easy to blame Him and get angry with Him in times like this - our human hearts long for understanding. But, this is being "wise in [our] own eyes" - this is what He wants us to turn from. He wants us to trust in Him and to run from our evil ways, which includes angry thoughts.

As my shattered heart continues to heal, I recognize this is a part of the process. I just need to let it happen. As this burdensome weight is gradually being lifted from my crushed soul, I know Yahweh will continue to guide me if I just let Him.

I miss Felicia more than I've ever missed everything else combined times a million. But my lonely heart is healing; my angry thoughts are waning... it still hurts, though. It will for awhile...

I love you, my beautiful, sweet, kind, God-fearing, Jesus-loving angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


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