
March 23, 2023

Felicia and I spent 22 years sharpening each other. Before we got married 19 years ago, we promised each other we would make God first in our marriage, meaning He was more important to each of us than we were to each other.

That promise, I believe, is why we had such an incredible marriage. That promise is why we continually sharpened each other. We knew and understood that for our marriage to be wonderful, Yahweh had to be first in our relationship...

I'm still keeping God first. And, though my Iron is no longer with me to keep me sharpened, I have a wonderful group of family and friends who have stepped in to be my iron counterpart.

During this million-mile climb up this mountain, God has been with me. Yeshua has stayed by my side, and His Spirit has been taking the weight of burden for me. I wouldn't have even made it this far without My Creator. I would still be a catatonic man, wallowing in pain and suffering, were it not for My Lord.

But God, in His Providential Wisdom, had already placed backup Irons in my life to help me stay focused on Him and to help keep me sharp. I thank all of you for your support, love, and encouragement as I continue this trek. You are my Iron, and I love you all for that.

But I miss my first Iron. I miss my darling wife. I miss her loving arms, her inviting smile, and her contagious laugh. I miss Felicia more than flowers miss rain; more than infants miss their mothers. However, I know Felicia is healed and ALIVE in His Presence, praising Him for all He is, worshiping in His Glory and Love. This is my comfort. This is my peace.

I love you, my beautiful Angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


Don’t Worry About Tomorrow


I Still Hurt