1 Corinthians 10:31

April 1, 2023

Until you start really focusing on your actions being done for His #Glory, you'll continue to short yourself. Adonai wants you to #live for Him. As humans, though, we become selfish and greedy. We want to do things our way; we want to live our lives according to how we feel.

I've lived like this. I went for years living like I knew the answers, and I thought how I approached life was just fine. Then, Yahweh presented me with Felicia...

His Providence led me back towards the path of #Righteousness. His influence on Felicia's life affected me. Totally. I became consumed with my #faith once again and started living and doing things as if I were doing it all for God.

Have I failed? Multiple times. Have I fallen? We all have. But with God's #Grace, I've been able to get back on track each time - He used Felicia to influence me and help me to correct my course whenever I veered away from His Path. Felicia tried her best to live according to His Ways, and she was a great example for me. We helped each other, eventually, to stay on the Path to Righteousness...

But now I'm a #widower... I must continue to climb this million-mile mountain while ensuring I'm still doing all I do for His Glory. I need to continue to "work as if unto the Lord." I can't keep moving forward without giving Elohim His Glory. To me, climbing this mountain without Glorifying His Name would be absurd. It's through my faith in Yeshua, my strength through His Spirit, that I can move, breathe, eat, sleep... without The Messiah, I'm nothing and suffer. With Him, my suffering is burdened by Him. My #peace is given by Him.

I miss my gorgeous, intelligent, joyful, lovely wife more and more the further I travel this mountain. But my shattered heart is being worked on by My Savior. My crushed soul is being relieved by His Spirit. God is in my life to help me move. So it's only appropriate that I reciprocate and give Him His due Glory.

I love you, Felicia. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


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