Palm Sunday

April 2, 2023

As we approach Easter, waving our palm branches and laying them before the King of Israel when he enters Jerusalem, we need to remember why He was going there: He was getting ready to end His original ministry and take the sins of the world, from all time, and suffer on the cross with them...

One of Felicia's favorite childhood memories is around Easter. And, as she grew older, she understood the significance of this time of year. Felicia knew what Easter means and how important it is for the whole world. She would embrace the events of Palm Sunday as a catalyst for remembering the single most important event in all of human history. Felicia always made way for Our King and welcomed Him with branches of palms while singing Him praises...

As I continue my climb up this million-mile mountain, it's events like this which I prayerfully prepare for. While we didn't do anything special on Palm Sundays, we did celebrate Easter as a day of remembrance for The Messiah's sacrifice and resurrection. Now I'll be celebrating Easter without my lovely wife - this will be the first holiday I'll be spending as a widower...

I have my good moments... but then the reminders that my wife is gone smack me, knocking me to my knees in pain and heartache. While my suffering pales to what my Lord suffered that fateful and prophesied Friday those two thousand some years ago, I still grieve in agony, longing for my Love to hold me, caress my face, kiss my lips, and whisper "It's okay."

Now, I need to listen to Yahweh when he holds me and whispers "I'm here. It's okay." I need to hold onto Him lest I tumble down this mountain, completely overburdened with pain and suffering in the loss of my Love. As my shattered heart is learning to beat again while Jesus, the Christ, puts it back together, as my crushed soul is learning to move again while The Spirit continues lifting this immovable weight, I need to focus on Our Father. I need to show Him that even though I'm barely moving up this mountain, I trust in His guidance.

My heart longs for you, Felicia. I miss every part of you. But, you're whole, healed, and pain-free. This comforts me. I love you, my angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


Matthew 14:25‭-‬31


1 Corinthians 10:31