
March 4, 2023

As I continue to climb this million-mile mountain, I know there will be more obstacles in my way. Obstacles like tomorrow, when we cremate her remains so I can return her to the earth from which Yahweh created her. Tomorrow will be another hard day. But I'm ready for it. I need to be.

This journey, so far, has been full of Love and Pain - Love from Yeshua, who has remained by me, and Pain from the broken heart He has been carrying for me. He has been my Strength, my Deliverer, my Strong Tower... I have been able to wake, eat, commune, fellowship, and sleep only by Him. Were it not for my #Faith in Him, were it not for the knowledge I have in Felicia's Faith in Him, I'd be in total, catatonic despair. He is keeping me from mentally checking out. He is keeping me moving because I know Yahweh has a plan for me, a plan which may include some of you...

Tomorrow's Boulder will be heavy. Tomorrow's Boulder will be one which I'll struggle to climb. But, with His Spirit guiding me, with Yeshua's Love carrying me, and with Yahweh's Strength pushing me, I know I'll make it over. I know God is for me, that no one can turn me from Him. I am holding on, for dear life, to my Hope, Faith, and Love in and for Him.

I miss her laugh. I miss her embrace. I miss her kiss. I miss HER. But I know she's fully healed and ALIVE in His Presence. I know she's singing His Praises, worshiping Him in ALL His Glory, soaking in the Full Presence of His Love - a feeling we are incapable of feeling until we unite with Him. But until that time comes, Yahweh wants me to continue His Work here and I am ready. I think. He knows I want to. I'm patiently waiting for His Direction.

Until then, I continue to mourn my lovely, beautiful, incredible, smart, witty, wonderful wife... I miss you, Felicia. #Truly #Madly #Fiercely Always. Forever.


Hebrews 4:16


2 Corinthians 4:6‭-‬9