Stop. And Be Still.
March 12, 2023
This million-mile mountain climb has taught me a few things, so far. One of them is patience. If you know me, you know I have a hard time with patience sometimes. But while hiking this path, I know I need to just stop and be still...
I know that Yahweh has something planned for me and I need to be still and exalt Him. I need to continue to wait on Him, PATIENTLY. It's hard, though, because the one who could help me wait patiently is no longer with me. Felicia knows my weaknesses and she was always my strength in those moments. Now, I need to learn to lean on Yeshua and rely on His Spirit to be my strength.
As the Psalm says, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want..." I need to remember this and to focus on it; on Him. I need to continue to lift His Name in Song and Praise because he "makes me lie down by still waters" and His "rod and staff comfort me."
As long as I continue to dwell on His Word and with Him, I know my million-mile journey will be easier. I know there will still be tough spots, but as long as My Father is with me, as long as I don't abandon Him, I'll get to the top.
Until then, I still mourn the heart-shattering loss of my dear Felicia. I miss her loving arms, her comforting smile, her witty charm... I miss my wife #fiercely. But I do find rest in the #fact she is whole again, she is healed, and is no longer suffering the torment she endured for years.
I love you, Felicia. Always. Forever. Fiercely.