
March 13, 2023

I hold onto His Love. It's His Love which has helped me climb this million-mile mountain. Although I still have miles and miles to go, I can feel the path becoming easier. I'm certain I'll still have some chasms to cross before I reach the summit. But, with my Savior by my side, with His Spirit holding me up, with His Word being a lamp unto my feet, I know I'll make it.

My human heart, however, still remains shattered; my soul still feels crushed. I know these are things I need to allow to happen so I can heal - I'm just lonely without the one who always made me feel better, always put a smile on my face, always loved me...

Right now, I'm fighting a horrible cold (started as allergies) and Felicia would have been taking care of me, making me soup, rubbing Vicks on my chest, holding me as I try to heal... now I need to do these things on my own. This is my first big test, I think. Can I take care of myself the way Felicia took care of me? I think so. She taught me well, so I think I'll do okay. It doesn't make it easier, though, doing this without her...

I miss my wife. Terribly. I miss her gentle kisses, her delicate hands, her beautiful eyes... but, as I've been saying all along: I know she's fully healed and ALIVE, singing and worshiping in the Full Glory and Majesty that is Adonai's Love. It's His Love that I lean on, now. It's His #Truth I hold on to.

I love you, Felicia. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


Heart, Soul,and Strength


Stop. And Be Still.