My Million-Mile Mountain

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More Little Things

March 2, 2023

Earlier today, in my mind's ear, I heard Felicia's playful "yelp." She makes this cute "Aah-aah" when she accidentally drops something, or something gets knocked over, or even when something startles her. I heard the yelp as I got into the hot shower. I could hear her exclaim how it was hot (she has sensitive skin).

As I heard her yelp echo through my memory, I cried. It's the small things, you know...?

I continue to look to Yeshua as my Strength and pray the Holy Spirit continues to carry me...

Sunday will be another tough day for me and for us. We will be cremating my dear wife so I can return her to the earth God formed her from. I'm not looking forward to that, but I know it will be good for me, for us. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we continue to adjust to our new chapter. I'm hurting. Bad. But Yahweh is good and His Grace is with us.

I love you, my beautiful, sweet, incredible angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely