Happy Birthday, Ladies

June 8, 2023

God has been talking to me lately. I'm posting this VOD at midnight because I'm not asleep yet. And for the past few hours, Yahweh has been whispering to me. Really, ever since I posted last on FB.

This verse speaks volumes, and it really hits home in several ways. One of the ways is how I know my other mother, Vickie. We've grown considerably close over the last 22 years and even more so, lately. She is the definition of "do not give up." She has yet to grow tired of doing good. Vickie has raised three fantastic children, through some tough situations nonetheless. Her relentlessness and deep belief in Truth has always kept her and her kids out of harm's way, though there were tough spots here and there.

She is such a remarkable woman and one whom I'm honored to call my second mom. Through all the stuff Felicia's family has been through over the last 22 years, Vickie has always been a stoic lady, a true example for her kids. And they all show those traits she imparted on them when they were young and still teaches to this day.

I know this year has been the worst year in her life, and this follows shortly after her previous worst year. She has been through even worse than I, and I can't even begin to imagine how she felt and continues to feel. But her stoicism truly shines and paints such a beautiful picture of a resilient lady who can be resilient because she knows the #Truth: my wife, her daughter, is dancing with Yeshua.

Today, Vickie celebrates another birthday. Today will be hard but wonderful. Today will be emotional but happy. Today, my other mom will need your prayers.

A part of my prayer is that my niece, Maeleigh, will be just as wonderful of a lady as Vickie. After all, ladies share birthdays. And, yes, it's Maeleigh's birthday, too. She's just slightly younger than Vickie.

Happy Birthday, Ladies. I pray your day and upcoming weekend are full of wonderful laughs. Vickie, I pray you know just how loved you are and how much Felicia adored you. Maeleigh, I pray you grow to be just as strong as your mom. Felicia loved you and always wanted to see you. I hope you know that.

I love you both.

I miss you, Felicia. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


Delicious Cake


Romans 10:17