Romans 10:17

June 7, 2023

As Yeshua said several times: "Whoever has ears, let him hear." Felicia listened. A lot. It was her listening and reading His #Word that brought us together. The night we met, she had no intention on getting a boyfriend. She was young and had just been in a relationship. She was just wanting to hang out with her sister and have fun.

But Yahweh's plan went in a different direction, as it typically does. And since Felicia tried her best to listen to His Words, she thought she was supposed to be His Hands and guide me back to the path He established for me. Little did she know that the path included her. She never intended to be more than a friend with me, but soon found herself exactly where I was: madly and fully in-love.

Felicia thought God wanted to work through her to help me return to Him. And that's it. She thought once I was back on His path, she would move one. She told me many times that she never intended on falling for me... it's amazing how God works. I wasn't looking for a bride, and she wasn't looking for a husband, yet through His Providence, we were brought together and spent 22 years together, 19 of them in Holy Matrimony. All because she listened to Him.

I owe my renewed #faith to her own devotion to Yahweh. Were it not for her attention to God, I don't know where I'd be and don't want to think about it. I'm right where I'm supposed to be, as heart-shattering and soul-crushing as this is... I'm exactly where God needs me. And I'm here only because my beautiful wife listened, with her whole heart, to what God needed her to do. Her faith in His Word pulled me from the pit I fell into years prior and placed me back onto His Path.

I pray she knows just how much her life has positively affected my own and those who knew her. I pray she knows that the faith she exemplified was contagious and helped not just me but those she met, too. I pray, Yahweh, that my dear bride can know that as heartbroken as I am, I haven't lost my faith in You. I pray she knows that as difficult as this has been, I'm not going to stop climbing. After all, You did tell me two nights ago that I'm moving.

I miss you, my sweet princess. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


Happy Birthday, Ladies


15 Weeks