15 Weeks

June 6, 2023

This was the VOD from two years ago. I find it encouraging on this 15th week...

I dreamt about my beautiful bride last night. It was a good dream. I felt her touch, her kiss. I smelled her sweet fragrance and heard her angelic voice. The one part that stands out above all the rest of that wonderful experience is she said, "You're moving." She wasn't telling me that I was wriggling around. She wasn't making a statement about my address. She was speaking for God. Yahweh was speaking through her and telling me that I'm not stuck halfway up this mountain, on a boat in the middle of a stormy lake.

When Felicia said "You're moving," even in my dream, I understood that she meant I'm climbing, as if I had never stopped. I hope you, dear reader, can comprehend what I'm trying to convey: I dreamt I was with my wife (which was amazingly beautiful) when she, out of the blue, said "You're moving."

Adonai comes to us in many forms. Sometimes He's speaking through an elderly person. Sometimes, He uses a film or commercial to reach us. Sometimes, He whispers in our ears as we read His Word. And, sometimes, He comes to us in dreams. This is what happened for me. I know it was Him speaking through Felicia, especially since I've been struggling with feeling "stuck" in my journey. For Felicia to say something irrelevant to what we were doing, and something so specific to what I've been posting, lately, I can only conclude it was Yahweh who used her voice to speak to me.

I woke up right after and felt a sense of calm and focus. This is the third time I've dreamt of Felicia since that horrible day 15 weeks ago. But this was the first time I awoke and didn't mind I wasn't still dreaming of being with her. And this is all because I know the significance of those words she said to me. "You're moving." As I write this, I'm tearing up. Recalling this dream is wonderful and sad at once. It's bittersweet. But it's beautiful. According to Our Father, I'm moving.

Thank you, my wonderful wife, for being an instrument for God over the last 22 years. Your faith in Him, your devotion to Him, was a great attribute to our marriage.

I love you, Felicia. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


Romans 10:17


Renew a Right Spirit