16 Weeks
June 13, 2023
The one thing that has helped me from the beginning of my new life is this. Because, were it not for Yeshua's #Love and #Sacrifice, were it not for His cleansing of our sins, were it not for Felicia's whole-hearted, full-spirited, complete mindfulness of Our Messiah's death and #Resurrection, I would have no #hope. I would be a shell of a man, blindly walking about this place, void of any feeling...
Instead, I can rejoice knowing my dear wife is #healed, #whole, #tearfree, and in His Eternal Presence, worshiping in His #Glory, singing in His Eternal #Light, surrounded by His Unfiltered Love. How wonderful is that?? While we suffer on this plane, in this realm, my dear Felicia and all those who know the Lord and went before her get to rejoice in His Holy Light.
But, on this 16th week, while I know my bride is enveloped by all that is pure and good, my human heart remains shattered; my soul remains crushed. I lean fully on Yeshua, praying for His healing of my heart. I lean fully on the Holy Spirit, praying for the removal of this burdensome weight. I lean fully on the outstretched arms of Yahweh, praying for continued guidance across this storm-riddled lake and up this million-mile mountain...
Being human, I've slipped here and there. But I'm fighting those demons and trying to remain #focused on Him, His #Word. I miss my dear Felicia terribly. I miss her laugh, her eyes, her smile, her touch, her kiss, her hugs... I miss my darling angel. And as I struggle through the pain of our untimely and unexpected separation, I need to keep reminding myself she is #Alive in His Presence and I'll see her once again after I have completed my assignments from God.
Until that day comes, I need to keep these words on my heart and in my mind. I need to keep my focus on Him and let Him work through me so that He can reach others. I still have a long way to go, but I know that through the #Power and Love of my #Savior, I can summit this mountain.
I love you, my precious wife. Always. Forever. #Fiercely