He’ll Provide

June 20, 2023

This statement comes from the middle of Yeshua's famous "Sermon on the Mount." What He's talking about when He says "all these things" is having what you need: food, drink, and clothes. He says Yahweh will provide these since He does so for the animals...

22 years ago, before I met Felicia, I was an irresponsible adult who was practically penniless. Were it not for my parents, in their individual ways, helping their kids with becoming adults, I have no idea where I'd be. So, when I met Felicia and knew she was "the one," I knew I had to get my act together.

I started to really focus on attaining a decent 9-5 job so I could provide for Felicia. I wanted to marry her as a decent man. Well, by the time we married, I wasn't working a 9-5 job, but I was working 40 hours a week with decent pay. It wasn't until a year and a few months after our wedding when I landed on Gordian (special thanks to Neil for introducing me to Gordian). I've been with Gordian, now, for 18 years and 6 months.

On this 17th week, I recall how much Yahweh has provided for us over these past two decades. I always told Felicia to #Trust in Him. Through all our financial struggles well into the first half of our marriage, He ALWAYS provided for us. Whenever we were in a bind, He took care of us. Felicia worried in the early days. But, she soon saw how our #Faith kept us fed and clothed. And we both always marveled at how we managed to make it 22 years. We always knew it was Yahweh who took care of us, and we never took it for granted. In fact, we found ourselves, many times, able to care for others because of His #Goodness.

Now, 17 weeks later, I'm finding myself in a terrible slump. I know He will, and has, provide(d). I know I'll get through this... I know I'll reach the summit. I'm just really stuck right now... I miss my sweet Felicia horribly... desperately... agonizingly... I can't seem to get beyond this pain. And, frankly, sometimes I just want to suffer in it - it seems like it's the only way I can feel our love for each other... my shattered heart wants to feel her love again... my crushed soul wants to feel her warmth again...

I love you, my Angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


2 Timothy 1:7


Adonai is Near