
June 25, 2023

Felicia loves Yahweh. She loves Yeshua. While she enjoyed the little things here, her delight was doing for God. She enjoyed giving her time to share His #Love. She shared it with those around her. She shared it with people in comments sections of various social media platforms, generally YouTube.

Felicia wasn't afraid to share the #Truth. She knew people needed to know of the Truth. She did her best to share His Truth whenever she felt led to, which was frequent. I remember every time she posted a stellar comment on someone's video or post or when she replied to comments under them, she would read them to me, first. Not as an approval, but just to share her thoughts with me. We'd have great conversations as a result and I always commended her on what she had written and how true her words were. I always felt joyful hearing my wife's statements of truth. She always made her remarks lovingly.

My beautiful bride is a wonderful example of how to store up treasures in Heaven. The love she had for her fellow humans was beyond reproach. Her tender heart truly loves Our Creator, Adonai. She loves Him with all her heart, soul, and mind. And she loves those around her...

I miss her love... I miss her smile... I miss her... so, out of this tragedy I have been placed into, I will find a way to continue to Glorify His Name. I want my treasures to be stored in Heaven, not here. I want people to understand that no matter how incredibly awful their lives could get on earth, if they turn to Yahweh, if they put their #faith in Yeshua, they can make it up their million-mile mountain. My heart belongs to Elohim. As much as I long for the touch of my wife, I want The Lord to know I'm His. I need Him to know my heart is His. I love Yahweh. I love His Son, Yeshua. And I know that through my faith in Him, I can make it up my mountain.

But it is so #painful... so #lonely... my shattered heart will only be #healed if I allow Yeshua to do so. So, I am. Well, I'm trying...

I love you, my sweet princess. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


Let Not Your Heart be Troubled


Psalms 42:11